Scientific Resources

“Consistent with published methods of mass depopulation, death should occur within 5 minutes for at least 95% of the target population. In addition, any method used should cause minimal pain and distress.”

“The conclusion remains that core body temperature associated with VSD methods impacted the TOD. The time to TOD was longest for VSD followed by VSDH and VSDCO. 2. Survivor ship in the VSD does not meet the AVMA standard. Surprisingly the speed of the process and hen survivorship was similar for VSDH and VSDCO environment.” (TOD = Duration to Time of Death; VSDH = VSD + Heat; VSDCO = VSD + Carbon dioxide)

Press Coverage




IOWA'S LARGEST PORK PRODUCER, Iowa Select Farms, has been using a cruel and excruciating method to kill thousands of pigs that have become commercially worthless. (May 2020)
